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애니메이션 복사

캐릭터의 Shooting Animation 을복사해서 수정을 했다

여기서 왜인지 모르겠지만 Additive Anim Type 는 필요가 없다고 한다

여기서 왜인지 모르겠지만 Additive Anim Type 는 필요가 없다고 한다

Additive Anim Type 를 gpt 에게 물어보았다

<aside> 😃 In Unreal Engine 4, the Additive Anim Type is a type of animation blending that allows you to blend animations additively. When using additive animation, the animation blends are combined with each other, rather than being replaced by each other. This allows you to layer animations on top of each other, creating a more complex animation.Additive animations are typically used for things like motion capture or procedural animations, where you want to add subtle variations to a base animation. For example, if you have a character walking animation, you might want to add a slight head bob or arm swing to make the animation look more natural. You can create an additive animation for the head bob or arm swing and blend it additively with the base animation.To use additive animation, you need to create an additive animation sequence, which is an animation asset that contains the additive animation data. You can create additive animation sequences in the Animation Editor by right-clicking on an animation sequence and selecting "Create Additive Animation."Once you have an additive animation sequence, you can use it in the Animation Blueprint by creating an Additive Anim Type node. The Additive Anim Type node allows you to specify the base animation and the additive animation, as well as the weight of the additive animation. The node then blends the two animations additively, creating a more complex animation.Overall, additive animation is a powerful tool for creating more complex animations and can be a useful technique to have in your animation toolbox.Regenerate response


아마 애니메이션을 혼합을 할 때 필요한 설정인 것 같다. 하지만 필요없으므로 없애준다.

Ainim BP 설정

기존에 있던 Locomotion 애니메이션을 cached 하고 , 새로운 상태인 Aiming 상태를 만들어 줘서 에이밍 상태의 애니메이션 재생을 캐시화 한다.

기존에 있던 애니메이션 cached

기존에 있던 애니메이션 cached

r새로운 상태 그리고 조준 애니메이션 재생

r새로운 상태 그리고 조준 애니메이션 재생

새로운 애니메이션을 또 Cached

새로운 애니메이션을 또 Cached

그러고 위 Locomotion With fire 과 새로 cached 한 애니메이션을 레이어를 나눠서 블렌딩을 해주면 완성이다.

이때 반동 애니메이션 효과를 받고 싶어서 수치값을 0.75로 낮췄다

이때 반동 애니메이션 효과를 받고 싶어서 수치값을 0.75로 낮췄다

최종 화면

제법 조준다운 조준을 하고 있는 모습

GIF 2023-03-04 오전 1-19-52.gif